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Local Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar, Afghanistan
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Afghanistan Florists
Velayat-e Kandahar Florists
Florists by Regions in Velayat-e Kandahar
Seyyedan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Akhtarzi Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Molla `Aziz Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Naseran Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bazri Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Badvan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Perang Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Daman Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mazra`eh-ye `Abbas Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kheyru Khuni Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Gundah Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Khaneh Gerdab Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mandz Jakan Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Sarkari Kariz Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Hajji `Aziz Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Zalakhan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Makwan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mohajerin Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Sikh Chala-ye `Olya Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bum Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bar Lakhchak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Lowy Manarah Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Zowr Kariz Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Asad Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Zangabad Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Khvajeh Za'i Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mir Ab Khvoran Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Shiru Owbeh Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Pay Darushak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Molla Dust Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Dabarey Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kshatah Sheykhzay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Deh Rajab Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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`Emarat Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Nakudak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bazarcheh Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Woch Ghebarg Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Golestan Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Akhvond Zadeh Saheb Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Molla Vali-ye Valeh Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Sar-e Sarak Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bahadorzay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bakaray Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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`Alijan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kochnay Manarah Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Sarwar Jan Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mansur Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Deh Savzi Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Chenar Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Saheban Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mansurabad Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Ala Jergah Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kolchehabad Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Spineh Walah Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Sur Gonbad Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Chaghray Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bayhemt Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Nalgham Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Yar Mohammad Khan Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Howz-e Madad Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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`Aydowzi Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Sattar Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Barah Khan Kili Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Spin Buldak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Towrzi Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Borj Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Maranjan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Podineh Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mond Ab Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Shamezi Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mondah Gak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Shurabak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Sar Kelizhay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Shegah Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Deh Gholaman Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Qazi Kariz Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Lowy Bala Karz Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Luy Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Deh Kheshki Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kshatah Mil Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bazar-e Panjva'i Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Senjaray Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Patan Kheyl Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bazek Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Biabanak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Darvishan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mohammad `Ali Kalacheh Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Alah Kuzi Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bekhsang Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Shotor Gardan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Khakriz Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Khugiani Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kondel Kala Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Lwar Kayghatu Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Lwar Kowndalan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Khanshirin Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Molla Kuchay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mandowzi Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Khenjakak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Banu Kheyl Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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`Aliabad Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Sikh Chala-ye Sofla Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Salavat Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bidak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Gorgan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Qazi Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Lwar Sohbat Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Sangbor Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Siah Chub Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Saleh Mohammad Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Dehleh Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Palzan Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Gondigan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Yakh Kariz Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Lajar Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kandahar Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Na'eb Waleh Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mayvand Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Ghafur Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Lowy Karizak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kar Molla Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kuchnay Bala Karz Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Speyrawan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Rawanay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kadahal Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Nevay Deh Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Chalak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Khugianay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bar Kariz Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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De Maywand Kariz Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bayanzi Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Manzel Bagh Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kshatah Sohbat Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Takhteh Pol Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Koykak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Safdar Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Khak-e Chupan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mel Mandah Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Garay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Seyyed Bus Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mirugol Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Jabar Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Khugiani Sani Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Teymur Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Belanday Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Baladay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Shur Andam Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Ubahtu Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Mandi Sar Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Pir Zadeh Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Hajji Deh Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Dand Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Shamshir Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Khvosh Ab Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Daru Khan Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Chehel Gazi Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Panj Pay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Regay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Karvan Kasi Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Sukhteh-ye Mohammad Haqq Akhvond Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kowndalan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Khvajeh `Ali Baba Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kariz-e Salim Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Molla Ashraf Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bukah Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Changol Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Baghtu Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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`Ali Khan Zay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Salehan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kariz Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Sarde-ye `Olya Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Robat Mil Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Luy Kariz Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Shir Sorkh Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Abu Kala Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kashk-e Nokhowd Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bazmohammad Kala Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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De Baboranow Kalachah Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Garet Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Salam Khan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Walakan Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Bala Zhir Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Khvajeh Molk Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Madowza'i Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Kuhak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Nar-e Rowzeh Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Zaker-e Sharif Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Ma`ruf Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Lalak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Sakzi Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Arghandab Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Barekzay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Chalghowr Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Konchi Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Spineh Khowlah Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Solayman Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Molla `Abdollah Kariz Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Ghowrak Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Chenartu Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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Zarak Kalay Florists in Velayat-e Kandahar
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